High quality, practical and sustainable I have registered Tax law as my principal legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister). Based on this registration, I am required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar. Personal and independent in partnerships In that respect, I regularly act as deputy judge at the High Tax Court, where I may exercise my profession from a judging perspective. Moreover, I have contributed as a board member in the largest sports club in The Netherlands (SV Kampong) in a comprehensive construction project and financial restructuring. These ancillary activities provide me with a lot of new insights and experience, which is of direct added value for my services. Apart from my direct services to clients, I often act as a sparring partner or co-counsel for other professionals, like lawyers, tax advisors, accountants and corporate finance consultants. For example, if they need additional tax expertise in their services or assistance in dispute resolution, respecting their existing client relation. This kind of partnerships can also be initiated by the clients or shaped as a second opinion. A fresh look on a long-term issue may often work out well. Over the past decades, I have built an extensive personal network partly united in the platform legalmondo. Inspiring environment More information about my experience and background can be found on LinkedIn. Should you have any further queries or if you need more information than provided on this website, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Since a few years I exercise my practice independently as a certified tax lawyer and trusted advisor under the name of Groenland Counsel. In this capacity my expertise, including 25 years of experience in counselling (family) businesses and their stakeholders is available for clients and professionals, with the full support of my personal network, both national and international.
I can provide effective and efficient advice on a broad range of tax matters, e.g. corporate tax, private clients matters, joint venture issues and dispute resolution. In those areas it is more important than ever to consider technical tax issues within the context of what it is the client is hoping to achieve; to explain the advice to the client in a clear and accessible way; and then to determine the optimum strategy with the client. That is what I offer. To find sustainable solutions I can use my knowledge and experience as a lawyer, tax specialist, mediator, manager and dispute resolutor.
The independent position as Groenland Counsel allows me to optimize my services to my clients and partners, be it advising, managerial, mediating or litigating. It also enables me to work in (strategic) alliances with other professionals, providing better perspectives.
Groenland Counsel was initially established within the dynamic, innovative and inspiring environment of House of Performance, a consultancy boutique which values I endorse. As of 2019 Groenland Counsel is based at Wilhelminapark 61, 3581 NP Utrecht, with a comfortable and private office and meeting room, with adjacent garden. A familiar place, where I also started my career as a lawyer.
Michiel Groenland
What can I do for you?
t: +31307271090
e: info@groenlandcounsel.com
GROENLAND COUNSEL: An independent tax lawyer and trusted advisor with a strong network of renowned professionals.